Q’s Prada and Honeyblossom (Lucy)
At the Dogshow OG in Erfurt September 22, 2019, Quicksilver’s Prada won the Junior Class with a V1, Jgd.CAC and VDH, and achieved the Win for best Young Dog of the Show, as well as Best of Breed (BOB). With these accomplishments Prada already fulfilled every condition for the title of KfT Youth Champion.
Quicksilver’s Honeyblossom (Owner: M. Reuter) won the Intermediate Class again today, and achieved with a V1 rating all expectations and conditions.
We are so very proud of the two young Ladies! On both days they claimed all possible wins and titles, except that today Honeyblossom let Prada walk away with the BOB. Yesterday Prada was awarded Best Young Dog of the Show in the Winner’s Circle, and Marcel Reuter’s Honeyblossom was crowned Best in Show (BIS)!
The two young Ladies are very similar in type, conformation, and expression, and we are often asked, if they are sisters.
Here are some pictures of the Show.